Lines for the Common


a community writing workshop


Wednesday, March 27


4-5 pm EST (New York Time)


for poets & secret poets & those who are new to creative writing


together we will explore

three simple and enjoyable practices

that will help you make space for poetry

even in a busy life

this workshop serves as a kick-off for National Poetry Month, and will include an invitation to continue practicing, by joining us for the first #linesforthecommon challenge during April (for which there is no cost)


Holly and Kat are friends

teaching together is our pleasure

we encourage you to bring a friend, too



Register for the Workshop

What you will learn in this Zoom workshop 


We will introduce you to the time honored practice of Commonplacing, and show you how to begin your own Commonplace Book.

And we'll teach you a simple and enjoyable poetic form called the Cento and how to create a poem from found materials.

By the time you depart, you will have completed a short poem, and perhaps, encountered some new ways to nurture your creative life.

Bring a notebook and join us on Zoom for this special community gathering hosted by Holly Wren Spaulding (Poetry Forge) and Kat Farrell-Davis (Tending the Depths).

Gather with like-minded folks

This session offers a warm and welcoming place in which to write with us for an hour.

Learn how to use a Commonplace Book

This simple tool is fun to make and complements the creative writing process.

Learn to write a Cento

This literary form has been around for centuries yet feels absolutely modern.