For a Meadow:

Thirteen Seeds to Begin a Wildland of Poems 


 Beginning May 1, 2024


 Inspired by the season of re-emergence, this online writing course offers inspiration and accompaniment for those wishing to bring more vitality and imagination to their practice of poetry.


Guided by the themes of pleasure and possibility, we will read, write and discover fresh ways of creating poems so that we feel less alone when we open our notebook. 


For a Meadow is designed to coexist with a full life and other obligations.


We begin as a cohort on May 1, however you may find your own pace with the asynchronous lessons, and  enjoy access to all video, audio, and written materials for a full year.


 Bonus Live Workshop Added:


In honor of May Day, and the beginning of this series,

Holly will host a "kick-off" workshop on May 1 at 4:00 pm EDT on Zoom.

It will be recorded.


Experiment with brief, powerful provocations that encourage creative flow. 


Plant the seeds of new poems in the soil of a practice grounded in the values of simplicity, intuition, and improvisation.


Discover how a selection of thoughtfully chosen contemporary poems can help us uncover inventive and surprising writing strategies.


By the end of May, you will have a dozen or so new pieces of writing, in draft form, to nurture in the months that follow.


Along the way, we'll pay close attention to the natural world – and fall a little more in love with all of it. 






All morning the dream lingers.

I am like thick grass

in a meadow, still

soaked with dew at noon.

Gregory Orr

Course Details


For A Meadow: 13 Seeds to Begin a Wildland of Poems is taught by award winning poet, teaching artist, and founder of Poetry Forge, Holly Wren Spaulding. The course materials are presented in an easy to use online learning platform hosted by Kajabi. 

Lessons (in audio, video, and written formats) are released every other day, beginning May 1 and concluding on May 26.

In 2024 we will read poems by Joy Harjo, Linda Gregg, Adam Zagajewski, and W.S. Merwin, among others, as we coax our best writing during the season of spring.


Do join us!


Tuition: $225



A Note from Holly

For many years I hosted the 21 Day Poetry Challenge, timed to coincide with the turning of each season. Hundreds of writers and artists from many disciplines joined me to write and explore poetry during the threshold days leading up to the Solstices and Equinoxes. Some of them were poets, and many weren’t, and together we recognized the depth and sense of expansion that poetry provides. For a Meadow carries on that tradition, but at a slower pace.


While creating this course, I've been thinking about other pleasures, as well. Dewy meadows and early wildflowers. How this season stirs particular desires. The smell of the earth. Buds and blooms and bare skin, at last.


In keeping with the energy of Spring, we will explore the practice of writing as a way of imagining and creating a world of beauty, fertility, and possibility.


If you don’t already have a writing practice, let me help you create one. If you do, this course will bring new life to it.


—Holly Wren Spaulding

Author, Teacher, Founder of Poetry Forge


Join Us

"Your poetry choices and prompts take me places I had never thought to go, using words and phrases that I am surprised came out of me."

—Julie F.

"You’re a constant inspiration and have gently kindled my creative spirit that had felt broken down with teaching, motherhood, and the pandemic. "

—Rebecca M.

What happens when you do the thing

you enjoy so much–

and keep doing it?